Contact Us

Ignite your B2B, B2G, and B2C ventures with our state-of-the-art smart tech solutions. Embark on a transformative journey with our exceptional software suite, meticulously crafted to cater to businesses of all sizes. Developed by a security-focused company, we are pioneering decentralized access to technology, revolutionizing multiple sectors and empowering businesses like never before. Unleash the true potential of your enterprise today!


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With a presence in multiple African countries, we are able to assist no matter where you are. Click here to find your local Adanian Office


Your questions may already be answered. Click here to navigate to the list of FAQs featured.

Our Offices

Frequently Asked

    1.Who can apply for Venture Building?

    2.Any preference for a specific industry?

    3.How long does the Venture Building program last?

    4.How much pre seed or seed funding can be availed?

    5.What supporting documents do I need during application?

    6.What is the turnaround time on application feedback?

    7.Do I have to relocate to the incubation hub if selected?

    8.What kind of technology does Adanian Labs have access to?

    9.What if I only need technical support?

    10.What is a Technology Venture Studio?

    11.What Capacity Building services do you provide?

    12.How do you help companies develop their technology?

    13.What is your Borderless Africa Marketplace Offering?

    14.What type of companies do you work with?

    15.What is your process for working with clients?

    16.What sets you apart from other service providers?

    17.What makes your services valuable?